
Betaling - Payment


Maak uw betaling over op onze bankrekening:
NL86INGB0004895129 ten name van Sufi Way
Vergeet niet bij de omschrijving te vermelden waarvoor u het geld overmaakt!

U kunt desgewenst ook betalen met IDeal via deze pagina maar dan moet u een e-mail sturen aan penningmeester@sufiway.nl om het doel van uw betaling door te geven.

EU countries + UK, Switserland, Iceland, Norway (SEPA-zone countries *)

Use your normal banking app or internet page to make out a bank transfer to account NL86INGB0004895129 to the name of Sufi Way.
When paying from a euro's account, it is usually not even required to indicate this is an 'international' transfer as the account number contains all the necessary details. When paying from an account in another currency, you may have to find a button leading to 'international payments'.
Such transfers are free of charge, although conversion costs will of course be applied when paying from an account in a currency other than Euro.
Please clearly state what your payment is for.

If you dont succeéd this way, use this page to make a payment by other means.
Belgians or Germans may use Bancontact or Giropay, for others the cheapest method by far is SEPA Direct Debit. You can also pay by Credit Card (the most costly variant).
With these payments you can not indicate what the payment is for, so please inform penningmeester@sufiway.nl of the reason for your payment.

Other countries

Please use this page to make a payment by credit card.
If you have a Paypal account, you can use this page.
An email to penningmeester@sufiway.nl about your transaction would be greatly appreciated.

Direct bank transfer

You can also make a direct bank transfer to the name of Sufi Way using these details:
Account nr: NL86INGB0004895129
BIC: INGBNL2A (also called SWIFT code)

If asked to choose between 'shared costs' or 'our costs' choose 'our costs'

If asked for an address of the bank, use:
ING Bank N.V.
Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Please clearly state what your payment is for.

Questions or problems?

Send an email to penningmeester@sufiway.nl

* The SEPA (Single European Payments Area) countries are the member states of the EU, the UK, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Andorra.